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Meet the CEO: A Conversation with Ted
Read MoreTowards a sustainable future – our 2023 journey
Our commitment to the environment and sustainable development has been included in our 2023 Sustainability Report. During the year, we have made progress in areas that are crucial to our goal – to become Scandinavia's most sustainable distributor of polymers.
In line with ISO 26000 and the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), our strategy and operations are aligned to address our shared sustainability challenges – with a focus on targets in the areas of environment, human rights, business ethics, occupational health and safety, customer relations and social responsibility.
The report highlights our efforts to promote circular solutions and sustainable use of resources, as well as emphasizing our responsibility for sustainability in the industry. As we evolve in this direction, we encourage our community, partners and stakeholders to do the same.
Learn more about our journey towards a more sustainable world by accessing the complete 2023 Sustainability Report.

A Merry Christmas!
The fall has been productive and we’re already looking forward to the coming year – but first, as Christmas approaches, we hope everyone will have time to enjoy a well-deserved break!
Towards the end of the year, it’s a good idea to review your inventory; as a local distributor, we always have materials in stock near you. We strive to offer high-quality service and won't be closing down during Christmas. We are always available when you need us.
As a Christmas gift this year, we support the important work of the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund, Barncancerfonden. We extend a big thank you to all of our customers for making this possible!
Together, we can make a meaningful difference.
A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Esvama team!
Esvama Return
As part of our sustainability work, we are developing a new concept called "Return", where we commit to buy back all the materials we sell to our customers. We will take care of your surplus so that it can be used in other projects. In this way, we take overall responsibility for the products we put on the market.
In addition to working on the environment, we also work for better working conditions, responsible community engagement and more. Read more about the Sustainability Journey.
Meet our Senior Sales Manager Finland/Baltic States
We are very pleased to introduce our new employee Heli Salomaa. Heli is an engineer and chemist with extensive experience in the plastics and packaging industry. Her technical background has brought great benefits to complex projects, where by solving the customer's technical problems, she has increased sales as well as saved costs and increased profits.
Heli's main focus will be on Finland and the Baltic States. We look forward to her contribution to our continued growth and success.
Welcome to the team, Heli!